Peer reviewed articles (WOS)
Working Papers
- Gómez, K., Iturra, V. (2021) How does air pollution affect housing rental prices in Chile? An economic assessment of PM2.5 concentration across Chilean communes. Environment and Development Economics. DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X20000522
- Ahumada, G., Iturra, V. (2021) If the air was cleaner, would we be happier? An economic assessment of the effects of air pollution on individual subjective well-being in Chile. Journal of Cleaner Production. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125152
- Ahumada, G., Iturra, V. and Sarrias, M. (2020) We do not have the same tastes! Evaluating individual heterogeneity in the preferences for amenities. Journal of Happiness Studies. DOI 10.1007/s10902-019-00081-2.
- Cortés, Y., & Iturra, V. (2019). Market versus public provision of local goods: An analysis of amenity capitalization within the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile. Cities, Vol. 89. pp. 92-104.
- Iturra, V. (2018). Amenity decomposition: The role played by firms and workers in explaining spatial wage differences in Chile. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, Vol. 109, 4. pp. 542-560.
- Paredes, D., Iturra, V. and Lufin, M. (2016). A spatial decomposition of income inequality in Chile. n Regional Studies, Vol. 50, 5, pp. 771-789.
- Iturra, V., and Paredes, D. (2014). Construction of a spatial housing price index by estimating a almost ideal demand system. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, Vol.105, n3, 301-314.
- Paredes, D., and Iturra, V. (2013). Substitution bias and the construction of a spatial cost of living index. Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 92, n1, 104-117.
- Paredes, D., and Iturra, V. (2012). Market access and wages: A spatial heterogeneous approach. Economic Letters, Vol. 116, n3, 349-353.
Working Papers
- Iturra, V. and Sarrias, M. Heterogeneity in the returns to schooling: The role of household and firm amenities.
- Hooks, G. , Lobao, L., Iturra, V., and Partridge, M. Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Public Employment to Reducing Poverty and Inequality and to Boosting Income
- Iturra, V. & Gallardo, M. Inequality of opportunities in wages: Using the Chilean voucher school system to identify childhood circumstances.
- Sarrias, M., & Iturra, V. The double burden for being women and obese: Evidence from Chilean labor market and potential explanations.
- Iturra, V., & Chacón, S. Housework and wages: The economic disadvantage of being a married woman in Chile.
- Iturra, V., Ahumada, G., & Pérez-Silva, R. Disentangling the Causes of Spatial Differences in the Wage Gap: the Roles of Amenities and Knowledge Spillovers.
- FONDECYT Iniciación, 2017-2020. No. 11170018 City differences in the returns to schooling.